How to recover from job loss and find new opportunities in MLM industry - A helping guide for you

How to recover from job loss and find new opportunities in MLM industry - A helping guide for you

Nikhil Ravindran
Updated on 21 October 2024
Reading time 8 min read

Pandemic has created a huge vacuum in the world, especially in the job sector. The vacuum created by job loss is massive, and according to the ILO (International Labour Organization), half the population is under threat of losing their jobs.

How can we survive this situation? Can we find vast opportunities for each and everyone who lost their living or are under the threat of losing jobs because of the COVID-19 situation? There is an industry that provides and has been providing revenue opportunities for millions of people from the early days itself. Yes. I’m talking about the network marketing industry.

How can the network marketing world provide such vast opportunities for the people who lost or are under the threat of losing their jobs?

The industry, with its large number of successful network marketing companies, has provided a living income for billions of people. This trend hasn’t changed yet and still lives up to the dreams. That’s why the MLM industry is going to be the solution provider for job loss.

Let’s see how the industry can help people to recover from the status of unemployment and get back to the track in life. MLM business opportunities are versatile in nature and cover a lot of ground as the industry is broader. Also, check out how network marketing opportunities for women are empowering and inspiring them you to achieve their entrepreneurial goals.

Everyone in the world has a unique set of skills that gives them value as an individual. It’s there within us and all it takes is to trigger it once we realize the value.

Do you know?

85% of people fail to recognize their skills and even if they realize it, they won’t be able to take a risk out of the world of comfort.

Any such skills can be converted into an action plan in the business terms.

A skill to craft toys, weave beautiful clothes, provide consulting services, make some unique products, etc. are few examples of such skills.

Guess what, all these skills can be launched in the market and make good sales with the help of a network marketing business plan. There are many MLM clothing companies, health and wellness companies, and other products or services that are running successfully with MLM strategy. The more people become aware of your business, the more the sales will be.

In short, the solution goes like this. ‘Use your own skills, become an entrepreneur, be your own boss, and market it with everyone’s help. Everyone who helps you also get an income and the chain goes on. The two things that still matter are;

  • 1. Provide something that gives value for customers or distributor who help to sell your products or services.
  • 2. A legitimate business always wins the game even if it face interruptions during the journey. Truth must win, that’s what we all want!

Do you know?

  • More than 60 million sales consultants work in the MLM industry.
  • 84% of people recommend or prefer to work remotely.
  • 58% of direct sellers make household income greater than $50,000.
  • A bonus check received by a distributor is more than $500 in a month.

Encouraging stats, right? Read more interesting statistics here: 100+ MLM statistics you should know

What are the different types of products and services included in the MLM or network marketing industry?

Types of products and services in MLM industry

Here are some of the products and service types included in the industry. FYI, the below list is created by categorizing an array of products under different labels.

Basically, almost every business type runs under the same motto of network marketing strategy. Every renowned industry follows the essence of this strategy.

How does Epixel as technical providers help people to recover from their job loss?

So far, you have learned a solution to recover from job loss. An overview of the next plan has been made, but one question still remains in everyone’s mind - How to implement the plan?

A new challenge is open before us, ‘work remotely’.

The pandemic restricted us to work remotely and pushed us to live by adapting to the current situation. Thanks to technology, we are now able to achieve this target in a productive way. That’s where Epixel enhances network marketing companies as well as you, the rising entrepreneurs.

Here is a list of top 100 business earners in network marketing industry for inspiration.

Epixel provides a huge collection of tools to help you start a small or medium scale business from scratch. After identifying the perfect business scenario, you need more clarity to launch your direct selling business in the local or global market.

To start your business and integrate the network marketing model, you need the following.

  • Decide the production cost and joining fee for your distributors
  • Create an actionable business plan to launch your business; an attractive compensation plan that suits the business requirements is vital
  • Plan the bonus amount and values for various compensations
  • Make changes to the plan based on the insights gained when you kick-started your business

‘Distributors’, who are they, and what they do for your business? You will come across similar terms during your journey but one needs to learn about them before launching the business. That’s the basic rule.

Distributor: The person who markets and sells the products of an MLM company. He/she receives commissions based on their effort.

What is a compensation plan? And why do I need one in the first place?

How commissions are paid?

It refers to how commissions are paid to distributors which are determined by considering the personal sales volume and that of downlines.

That’s the definition of a distributor and compensation plan. You may need to check out the MLM glossary to understand each and every term you need to know in MLM business.

The first step is to choose the right compensation plan. There exist compensation plans based on this business model but choosing the suitable one is a hard task. Network marketing offers many profitable compensation packages like binary commission, unilevel commission, matrix commission, etc. Each compensation plan has its own benefits.

Some MLM companies or entrepreneurs choose a single plan or a combination of multiple plans (hybrid plan) for their business. Here is a list of different compensation plans available for your business model.

You can check out more compensation plans here: Top MLM compensation plans suitable for your business type

Worried about fixing MLM commission and package price?

What’s next? Fixing the commission percentage, package prices, and other things which are important. Sounds complicated? It ain’t that complicated and there are real superheroes available to help you out.

Superheroes, seriously? Are we kidding? Superheroes are more fiction and what they have to do here in business?

Well, there exist superheroes, and they provide service for you without any cost.

The superheroes are waiting: Would you like to know who we are?

Some important questions you may want to get answered!

Here are some of the questions we found from our recent survey.

  • What’s a software tool or MLM software?
  • What features are included in these tools?
  • What use does it bring to my business?
  • Will the use of these tools bring more control over my business?
  • Is it budget-friendly?
  • How many features do I need to include during the beginning stage?
  • How can I choose the compensation plan for my business?

Let me give a solution for all the above questions one after the other.

Epixel has developed one of the best tools to make things easier in the network marketing business, and it’s been more than 10 years since the launch. The flagship product is named after our brand, ‘Epixel MLM software’.

The tools or features available in the product will bring complete control over your business in your hands, and also help distributors make more sales. Here is the list of tool bundles available to help you with each aspect of your business.

Many features and functionalities are available in each of these tools. It will be best to talk with our expert consultant to know which plan suits your business, what tools you need initially, and much more.

We have a complete solution for you based on your requirements. We can guide from nowhere to a world full of opportunities. Remote working is no more a herculean task! Our tools are far enough to make good revenue and it’s budget-friendly!

This is how Epixel helps MLM entrepreneurs and companies to find opportunities as well as manage their business in one place.

Read our blog regularly to stay updated and make technology useful for your benefits. Stay home, stay safe!

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