Distributors are the airbags of any direct selling business. They should be built sturdy and straight to help them help you. Get them off their new job jitters and put them at ease with productivity-boosting tasks. Direct selling training is inevitable for the active engagement and success of your salesforce.
Before we get into the depth of MLM training tools, let us begin with the what how, and why of network marketing training. It is important to begin your MLM training with the right onboarding techniques, without which it will be difficult for a distributor to gel well with the team and perform in the early stages.
Distributor onboarding and training are given superiority in network marketing training to equip distributors with the right network marketing training tools which are crucial once they are on deck with you. The most crucial part of MLM sales training is building rapport with your distributors where exchanging ideas and experiences can be refreshing for the team and the business itself. Enabling their sales skills with the right tools will also help accelerate the process.
Once you have given your distributors an elaborated training for MLM business, the next step is to enable and equip them with network marketing training tools that will help them automate their daily routines in business and find new horizons. Automating the marketing platform will also help distributors manage their day-to-day marketing activities.
Top 10 tools to automate your network marketing business
Top Network Marketing Training Tools - Get Set Go!
Network marketing training topics do not just include calculations and criteria. It also covers various aspects from understanding their perspectives to enabling them to meet with market competition. In the due course, it is important to make them feel connected with the brand by earning their trust and loyalty. Establishing a long-lasting relationship with distributors through various activities and strategies is indeed as important as building the brand further. For this, network marketing organizations must adopt effective methods of training their distributor network.
1. Learning Experience Platforms (LXP)

LXP is the newest approach to corporate learning platforms, solving the issues faced with Learning Management Systems (LMS). LXP is an artificial intelligence-driven peer learning experience platform that is delivered using SaaS (Software as a Service). It primarily focuses on distributor needs helping them with opportunities for personal and professional enhancement. It also delivers a social networking-like look and fully functional mobile device experiences delivered through responsive design and mobile apps. LXP can include blogs, industry-based articles that would help them in market research, videos, podcasts, and courses. LXPs enable distributors to create and publish content, along with social profiles and other activities.
2. Collaborative Learning Platforms (CLP)

CLP nurtures a dynamic learning system that engages learners through collaborative learning to promote accountability and strengthens and supports learning across the organization. Rather than the usual ‘learning’, CLP aims at practice and application, discussions, feedback, coaching, and mentorship through an integrated and simplified learning experience.
There seems to be a gap between online learning and on-job performance since learning activities are dependent on different mindsets and behaviors. CLP bridges this gap by engaging learners with opportunities to learn in the working framework with individual and team projects including video practice, presentations, etc. It also encourages constructive feedback and conversations developing critical interpersonal skills.
3. Just-in-time Learning Platform (JLP)

JLP provides information for distributors at a time when they need it. More precisely, it makes learning relevant and accessible to the work that each distributor does. Contrary to the traditional training systems and approaches, JLP gives learners the right information, at the right time and right place. JLT helps organizations reduce costs and time wastage in enrolling distributors with long, ineffective, and boring training programs. It gives access to necessary information for distribution for their knowledge enhancement and better working in a more organized and efficient manner.
4. Self-Paced Learning (SPL)

SPL is a learning method in which a learner can learn at their own pace. They can control the volume of information that they can consume and the time duration required to learn a piece of information thoroughly. This is indeed a revolutionary concept in learning which is new to businesses.
SPL enables distributors to cater to customers effectively by understanding the product, process, organization, and colleagues within a short span of time. Self-Paced Learning is a practical training approach that would help distributors become independent in their customer acquisition process.
5. Social Learning Platform (SLP)

SLP is precisely learning from people by observing their approach, attitude, point of view, and behavior. These ‘people’ could be someone they see every day in person or an influencer or celebrity they watch, observe and follow in the social or any other interactive space. Their behaviors and patterns are then used as a guide to building their own ideas and gaining a new behavior.
The benefits of SLP are that it has got higher learning retention rates and is a natural way to learn. It helps capture organizational knowledge and sustainable productivity. It also ensures shorter onboarding time and better skills and productivity.
10 must-have tools in the network marketing business to make your distributors more productive
6. Learning Communities (LC)

LC gives an opportunity to connect with people, organizations, and systems paving a way to learn from each other around a shared goal and thus improving the learner’s ability to achieve progress substantially. LC connects people across all disciplines, sectors, and geographies to share ideas and learn from each other, and ultimately have a shared result. It enables communities to learn from both successful and unsuccessful experiences to have a deeper understanding and knowledge.
Learn how to become successful in network marketing
LC offers opportunities to build leadership roles and skills. These communities also help analyze what learning strategy works for whom and measure results accordingly.
7. VR-based Online Training

Taking online training into the virtual space incorporating real-world experiences with 3D graphics would be a stellar opportunity to enhance learning opportunities for any industry. Personalized online training modules integrating VR will give attendants live experiences helping them reinforce their decision-making skills. This breaks the monotony created by the traditional training practices that focus on vast theories instead of practical knowledge and experiences. Unlike other virtual training, VR training stands out with its interactive options which makes training non-passive.
8. Knowledge Base Management (KBM)

KBM is an organized reference system that is used to simplify creating, using, and managing business information within the organization through a cloud-based system making content sharing accessible for all distributors. This information, also known as business or learning assets can be helpful for teams to access required information quickly at their fingertips. FAQs, SOPs, onboarding flows, call flows, workflows, troubleshooting guides, how-to guides, checklists, decision trees, etc can be a part of the KBM.
9. Gamified Learning Experience (GLE)

GLE integrates gamification elements into their learning through interactive technologies like VR to increase engagement and to make the training interactive and fun. Apart from the fun factor, introducing gaming elements into formal and non-game contexts could also help increase retention rates at a higher level. Gamification rewards like badges, certificates, and points could be motivating leaving learners satisfied and accomplished with their efforts. Motivations could be either intrinsic, which means no financial value but rewards like points, or extrinsic which involves rewards like financial benefits like gifts or money. Gamification could also encourage healthy competition encouraging teams to learn from each other and driving interests to learn.

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10. Micro-Learning Platform (MLP)

MLP is a learning solution that gives distributors short bursts of information segregated according to topics relevant to their training and daily work activities. This could be bite-sized information in any form like videos, document files, flashcards, or performance support resources. As compared to the conventional training methods, MLPs are easier to develop, update and circulate thus leading to higher completion rates.
Epixel network marketing software integrated with these sophisticated direct sales tools will help enhance the business process of network marketing companies. Also, distributors get a direct benefit by nurturing their marketing skills and rewards for their efforts in terms of suitable compensation. Attractive compensation packages will bring in more distributors and also engage and retain them to the organization for the long term.
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Even in remote working environments, it is important that team members work together using collaboration tools to align with the team’s spirit and efforts. These tools will help them define a strategy and way forward as and when they are put into various business scenarios. With innovations and trends changing overnight, it is essential to have a thorough understanding of handling these tools to enhance one’s business.
Explore 7 powerful tools to make prospecting 10x faster
As you get a new distributor on board, it is crucial that you streamline training and schedules which could be beneficial for your business. It is imperative to maintain an accord and agreement with your distributors throughout the course of your business for the success of your team and the brand.
Nobody will speak your language better, get your distributors to match your wavelength, and move ahead of you to build your empire.
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