Powerful Features
Personalized training
Spotlight their achievements
Gaming the daily challenges
Data-driven learning
Team progress analytics

Personalized training

  • Design structured and personalized assessments to evaluate distributors
  • Provide appropriate training programs to hone their development at their own pace
  • Grant them access to online courses, quizzes, and video training sessions
  • Break up large tasks into smaller milestones to avoid overburdening
Personalized training

Spotlight their achievements

  • Display each and every milestone in your distributor’s journey
  • Deliver performance insights into their dashboard to improve performance
  • Celebrate their personal and professional achievements
  • Reward and motivate them with badges, ranks, gifts, and travel incentives
Spotlight their achievements

Gaming the daily challenges

  • Simplify their complex learning modules with gamified quizzes and surveys
  • Create simple daily goals and challenges for your distributors
  • Showcase leaderboards to cultivate a healthy competition
  • Recognize their accomplishments with real-time rewards
Gaming the daily challenges

Data-driven learning

  • Know the trends and patterns inside your organization
  • Understand your distributor challenges through automated weekly surveys
  • Derive data-driven insights on business and distributor development
  • Design customized learning sessions to help your distributors in customer acquisition
Data-driven learning

Team progress analytics

  • Reduce time in team management
  • Plan and track team and individual goals
  • Monitor goal completion and team performance
  • Introduce effective team strategies with performance insights
Team progress analytics

Strengthen distributor engagement with data, insights, and gamification

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Strengthen team cohesion

  • Design creative team building activities and manage emotional intelligence of teams
  • Streamline internal communication through online meetups and brainstorming sessions
  • Ensure uninterrupted access to support systems such as sponsor support, online tools, product catalogs, organizational information, etc.
  • Establish well-structured processes to help team members meet their goals
Strengthen team cohesion

Upline support system

  • Promote group sales activities for relationship building with uplines
  • Offer guaranteed upline support and guidance with one-click access
  • Entrust sponsors with stipulated training programs for empowering their downlines
  • Maintain a point-based rewarding system that accumulates points for the support sponsors provide to their downlines
Upline support system

Centralize content delivery

  • Enable complete access for your sales team to marketing and training resources in a single platform
  • Generate user data or business reports from your CRM or web analytics tool
  • Extract reports deriving the effectiveness of your campaigns and other marketing activities
  • Equip your distributors with online product catalogs to help them in customer acquisition
Centralize content delivery

Perfect your distributor imperfections

  • Analyze and understand your distributor soft spots and work on improving their skills
  • Upskill and reskill underperforming distributors with data-driven learning sessions
  • Fortify training programs after tracking each level of completion
  • Ensure full-time sponsor and team support
Perfect your distributor imperfections

Build distributor communities

  • Create online and offline communities for your distributors
  • Host cross-training programs, meetups, and online events
  • Introduce them to top performers and experienced distributors
Build distributor communities
Strengthen team cohesion
Upline support system
Centralize content delivery
Perfect your distributor imperfections
Build distributor communities

Establish stronger and longer relationships with your distributors

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Epixel All-in-One MLM Platform

Learn how to build New Customers, Great Teams and Better Products faster with Epixel

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