General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a privacy and security law enforced by the European Union that governs companies operating in Europe and European Economic Areas to strictly secure the privacy of user data. It encompasses data-related processes such as gathering, organizing, using, storing, and erasing. It also instructs organizations to give users more control over how their data is used.

GDPR rests on 7 data protection principles.

Lawfulness, fairness, and transparency

Processing of collected data should be lawful, fair, and transparent.

Purpose limitation

Data should be used only for purposes listed at the time of data collection.

Data minimization

Collection of data should be kept at bare minimum or as needed.


Personal data of data subjects should be accurate and updated.

Storage limitation

Data should only be stored for as long as needed.

Integrity and confidentiality

Processing of data should be done upholding integrity and confidentiality.


The data controller will be held accountable for every process related to the data.

Non-compliance to the law may attract hefty fines depending on the severity and situations of violation. Apart from organizations operating in the Europe, GDPR applies to companies outside Europe because of its extra-territorial scope. This data protection law is not aimed at regulating businesses but at protecting users and their privacy.

Epixel and GDPR

We value the privacy of every individual and take utmost care in safeguarding their data. Exactly for the same reason, all our software platforms are GDPR-compliant. We have taken a comprehensive approach encompassing all business levels to comply with the principles outlined in the GDPR policy.

This includes mandatory training sessions for our team on strict data processing protocols and obtaining explicit consent from users. Regular data audits and assessments ensure the accuracy and integrity of data. Our commitment to transparency is evident in our privacy policy, providing users with clear information on how their data is handled.

Is Epixel GDPR compliant?

Epixel MLM Software and all our related services are built to align with the policies formulated under the GDPR policy. We employ advanced data encryption methods and access control mechanisms to safeguard our user data. Our practices are well aligned with GDPR guidelines, and we maintain a transparent privacy policy to ensure compliance.

Cross-border data transfers

The data of our consenting users will be used for different purposes outside the country of residence. In case of handing over the data to a third-party service provider, we ensure that their policies are in line with GDPR regulations through contractual clauses and agreements.

Security measures to safeguard your data

End-to-end data encryption, access control mechanisms, and regular data audits and monitoring underscore the security and integrity of our user data across all processes.

GDPR across channels

The data collected will be used to optimize our marketing activities across diverse channels. However, we ensure that every data and channels employed conforms to GDPR standards with clear user consent.

Third-party compliance

Before entrusting our user data to third-party service providers, we take every extra step needed to ensure that their services and solutions abide by GDPR policies. We ensure that they have appropriate data protection measures in place and monitor regularly to assess their compliance status.

Data rights for individuals – How can users customize their data and access

Epixel empowers all its users to exercise complete control over their data. Users can customize and manage their data preferences using specific data and cookie settings. Users are also given a fair explanation of how their data will be stored and used.

Users can request a copy of their personal information possessed by us. If any inaccuracies or incompleteness is identified, users can request for corrections. Users can also request for the deletion of their personal data or restrictions on its processing. At any point in time, if the user wishes to withdraw their consent or object the way we handle their information, we will oblige their request promptly.

Users can reach out to us with any request related to their personal information at [email protected]

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