Top 10 cryptocurrency list to explore [2018 updated version]

Dhanesh Haridas
Dhanesh Haridas

CTO, Epixel Solutions

Updated on 29 July 2024
Reading time 6 min read

Blockchain technology - "An innovative technology widely accepted back in the beginning of the 21st century". Cryptocurrency is one among the application of such advanced technology, so with a little research from the available resources, we have come up with a list of top cryptocurrencies that are gaining its pace in the online business world. The list of cryptocurrencies is an improvised version of our previous edition (yes, time changes and so is the present marketing values) is what we would like to aim at.

Let's take a look at the top cryptocurrency list with a supporting inference.

top #10 cryptocurrency coins

Obviously, you are familar with the digital currenices and it's booming everywhere!

The top list looks like,

#1 Bitcoin: Most popular cryptocurrency ever introduced in the online world, and still considered as the top one after going through thick and thin. From the ending period of 2017 to the first month of 2018, the marketing cap of Bitcoin raised to the top peak and slowly it got hit in the later part.

Even though it has got an anti-spike graph, the extreme ends of investor favor are still in demand for this "golden digital coin".

cryptocurrency investment

And some people rather considered it as "bubble", well, it went insane over the period and got the spikes down to the throttle. But the hopes are high and that's the reason we consider it as the top one in the charts.

#2 Ethereum: The most referred technology that gained its prominence over the other coins in the digital form. "Ether" is the digital currency which is also considered as the top one instead of the Bitcoin.

People have a different opinion and in short, with their scalability and other factors Ethereum (ETH) might have pulled through to the top 1.

ethereum cryptocurrency

The future looks stable and a fortune cookie is obviously with the investors in Ethereum.

#3 Ripple: A centralized version that has got its complete uniqueness keeps every financial sector active and secure in their transaction abilities. The borders of the world isn't a matter anymore and with a matter of seconds, a user can transfer/receive the money using XRP (Ripple coins).

Well, among the whole other digital currencies, the "low price" of XRP attracts the investors and love to buy it.

ripple cryptocurrency

Yes, it's ain't that easy to make the so-called "buy" option.

You could check out this step-to-step analysis from the college investor team for the best concern.

#4 Bitcoin Cash: One of the latest addition to the crypto-world. After the split of Bitcoin into two, the new one i.e., Bitcoin cash comes with more block size which resolved the liable issue and has gained its importance.

bitcoin cash

Over this short period of time, the marketers accepted the "hard fork decision" and started loving it. At first, Bitcoin cash was available right after the night of the forking to every Bitcoin holders and the price was too cheap (like 75% less that of Bitcoin) and thereafter, it has got peaked up to the top.

Now, it's getting up in every possible way and ends up in the 4th on the list.

#5 Litecoin: Litecoin is considered as the best open source cryptocurrency with a wide scope and used for peer-to-peer transactions. The best thing about this cryptocurrency is that the currency is super speedy when it comes to blocking addition (through mining of course). Yes, due to such many reasons (transaction speed) this currency is running up to the top list. Well, it has got a good marketing cap too.

When you check out its growth rate there are ups and downs which makes it really complex to analyze the investment scenario. Hold on tight, we have five more round to go!

#6 EOS: A builder platform that constructs new dApp applications over it with blockchain-based technology. Yes, you heard it right! It's well an open source platform and moreover, it offers token sales.

It's developer-friendly in nature and developed EOS coin which made it as the prime competitor of Ethereum team. With such efforts over the tangle of other digital coins, the 2017 edition is thundering up.

#7 Stellar: Yet another open source platform that runs to make the quick transaction between ledgers, forming an independent platform! The stellar Lumens (XLM) is the digital coin developed by the stellar team with an aim of making the transaction more easier and secure with running multi-ledger platform.

As most of the blockchain development team use stellar as the backbone, the probability of "rising factor" pops up and strengthens the core of such blockchain platform. It's the best choice to begin things where blocks link together to form something extraordinary.

#8 Cardano: To clear off the air, let's understand the basic thing, Cardano is the platform and ADA is the coin developed in this particular platform. It's cheaper than any other cryptocurrencies listed in this article.

And when you look at its price map, it has a depth touch of promises that every investor keen to look for. Currently, it is well secured and with ICO's and token sales, ADA is perfect to invest.

#9 NEO: Yet another currency that values most in the digital world. NEO is known to be "Chinese Ethereum" and is available with two token types - NEO & GAS, these tokens helps to make smart investments.

NEO is considered to be a distributed network for the smart economy.

With a small difference in the token values both NEO as well as GAS is available for investment and trading.

#10 IOTA: A "blockchain-less cryptocurrency", one could call this particular cryptocurrency with that name. Most of the people think often that the cryptocurrency can only be created using blockchain, well, it's absolutely a false alarm!

IOTA is such a cryptocurrency that doesn't involve with any blockchain technology, in fact, it does get its own technology - "tangle". Well, the circulating supply has got good numbers, the price is kind of cheap and has got good marketing cap

Well, what's next? Why waiting again? Make your choice and its cryptocurrency investment on time!

It will be fantastic if these technologies are available with most popular software packages, won't it? Yes, now that people are more into business world, "marketing" is the key and the marketing consultants usually go with multi-income schemes. If technology and money-making opportunity come together, it will be the best pack ever. That's why in network marketing software such rich and futuristic package is introduced in. Now that decentralized networks are on the rise, new crypto MLM software platforms will allow entrepreneurs to build profitable businesses and reach a wider customer base than ever before.


CTO, Epixel Solutions

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