19 Dec, 2017 - 19:16
Epixel's picture
IOTA - A new pack of cryptocurrency with distinctive nature

It's been a long time and all it matters in the cryptocurrency world is blockchain and its related functionalities. The present time is thus filled up strengthened up with advanced technology but how far is the technology reliable enough for the future? What if there is a perfect replacement for blockchain? How far it takes to get enough appreciation and acceptance among the digital world? IOTA is one among such cryptocurrency that is considered as an altcoin. Let's see how this particular cryptocurrency works.

IOTA is a decentralized platform that offers a variety of new modules, where there is no blockchain involved. This particular cryptocurrency has got popularity in no time and at the beginning period, the team might have faced a huge challenge during the developing period but have survived that stage and emerged out as an alternative method. They are making a huge profit and progress with this technology. The question that still stays will be of how can something replace an advanced technology like "blockchain" and replace it with a better one.

"Tangle" - this term might not be familiar to you but it will make a new fortune as this particular module is considered as the replacement for Blockchain technology. Tangle is actually a mathematical concept, and the reason for this sudden change is because of the fact that the blockchain is not cost-effective. That’s why IOTA is considered as the best possible replacement of the blockchain technology. Well, talking about IOTA, it works with all the connected devices, gadgets, etc.

The information or data is thus shared between these devices and the system is interconnected between the users as a single unit. There are no extra fees to tolerate in this functionality and the whole data is purely tamper-proof in nature. So, the next question that is going to arise is that of mining part. Is there any mining type process involved in this type of cryptocurrency? The answer is no, there are no miners involved in the IOTA and everything is based on these connected gadgets or devices.

That's the reason for receiving enough appreciation in quick time as an investment opportunity. It got maximum hype in this month, and hope it will break every competitor barrier. Having such a feature will improve every transaction and investment module to its high percentage, having an MLM based system acts inside these packs would be interesting, henceforth a cryptocurrency based MLM Software has been developed including all the possible methods and modules. The package is perfect for latest cryptocurrency addition as per customer requirements.


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