Powerful Features
Personalized onboarding experience
Assured sponsor support
Data-driven training programs
Gamify your onboarding process
Systematic onboarding process

Personalized onboarding experience

  • Know your distributor routines, their strengths and weaknesses, and their personal goals
  • Offer guided support in their onboarding process
  • Simplify onboarding with automation
  • Engage them with simple personalized tasks and assessments
Personalized onboarding experience

Assured sponsor support

  • Help new distributors accomplish their team goals with collaboration tools
  • Online sponsor tools for mentoring downlines
  • Accentuate goal alignment with uninterrupted team support
Assured sponsor support

Data-driven training programs

  • Run data-driven training sessions that align with organizational goals
  • Host training sessions in an interactive training environment to boost engagement
  • Evaluate individual distributor skills and assign personalized training programs
  • Track their status, progress, and accomplishments
Data-driven training programs

Gamify your onboarding process

  • Ensure effective learning through gamified tasks
  • Motivate distributors with smart gamification programs
  • Introduce gamification elements in their reward programs
  • Gamify the learning of basic business information such as product information and compensation plans
Gamify your onboarding process

Systematic onboarding process

  • Reduce attrition with a simple and structured onboarding process
  • Design a creative approach to deliver content in systematic schedules
  • Break down large tasks into smaller ones
  • Track each level of the process completion and run assessment tests
Systematic onboarding process

Welcome your new distributors with an exciting data-driven experience onboard.

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Give them a productivity boost

  • Help them plan their tasks better with access to your content management system
  • Deploy preset training modules, on-demand courses, quizzes, newsletters, and presentations from an automated system
  • Inspire them with real-time success stories and leaderboards
Give them a productivity boost

Diagnose problems early

  • Track distributor KPIs and help your distributors get back on track
  • Nourish their skills on the platform itself with effective upliftment programs
  • Leverage the power of your CRM data to detect distributor vulnerabilities
  • Offer live sponsor or team support for overcoming their challenges
Diagnose problems early

Link onboarding to performance

  • Analyze the growth of each distributor, their course completion status, and their performance
  • Mark performance based on specific criteria such as swiftness in course completion, number of effective sales conversions, and contributions to their team
  • Recognize top performers on leaderboards
Link onboarding to performance

Elevate sales readiness

  • Make your distributors customer-ready with microlearning techniques
  • Grant access to on-demand information that helps them in customer acquisition
  • Enable easy retrieval of relevant product information they need most
  • Build their skills to align with buyer personas
  • Promise assured conversions by guiding them to make the right pitch to the buyer problem
Elevate sales readiness

Practice with purpose

  • Let your distributors practice through video-based training or learning systems, or a data-driven content management system
  • Give them practical experience with real scenarios from past CRM data to practice pitches for easier and faster conversions
  • Connect them with your top performers and other experienced distributors to learn from their past experience
Practice with purpose
Give them a productivity boost
Diagnose problems early
Elevate sales readiness
Practice with purpose

Help your distributors develop and evolve with the right onboarding strategies

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Epixel All-in-One MLM Platform

Learn how to build New Customers, Great Teams and Better Products faster with Epixel

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